Based on the activity 1.1.6 of the project, the first study visit to Bijelo Polje was conducted in the framework of cross-border cooperation. This study visit was held on the dates: 14-15 of June 2016. The aim of the visit was: the exchange of experiences of the water-supply companies in Bijelo Polje and Gjakova and the challenges they face as well as the opportunity for better management of the water resources at the cross-border region.

Day one (14.06.2016), of the visit was accomplished at the offices of the Water-supply company “Bistrica” in Bijelo Polje, where we had the chance to meet the General Director Mr. Milan Bulatovic, who welcomed us and then presented the company where he added that the company was established in 1961and in 2014, was transferred to Public Enterprise with limited liabilities. The enterprise has currently 67 employees. In the continuation Mr. Bulatovic emphasised that they have a substantial experience in project implementation, where they have implemented similar projects in other regions as well, some projects were financed by the World Bank and GTZ.

Mr. Bulatovic was pleased to announce that they are keen on working in this project in cooperation with Gjakova Municipality and that they hope to broaden the cooperation in future. He mentioned also that this project will assist greatly in improvement of water-supply management in Bijelo Polje.

Soon after, we were introduced with other departments and the company staff, the Director of Finances, Commercial Director, whereby they also presented in short the company’s workings and welfare.

Day two (15.06.2016) continued with a seminar where initially the enterprise was introduced, and it was mentioned that the water-supply is carried on the length of 176.0 km. And the main pipes are 30-50 years old, the pressure of water reaches 4-7 bar, but the main problem remains the water loss that reaches up to 71%.

It was mentioned in continuation that they have as their consumers about 800 legal entities and 6750 individuals. Their annual income reaches 820.000 € by which they cover their annual expenses.

The visit continued further by presenting the implemented project activities, where by Mr. Marko, introduced in details the so far implemented activities and the ones to be implemented during the year.