Recording water supplying systems and entering data into GIS in Bijelo Polje has started

Jedna od ključnih aktivnosti u okviru projekta “Unapređenje upravljanja vodnim resursima u Đakovici i Bijelom Polju” je počela 9. januara 2017. godine i trajaće do kraja implementacije projekta, odnosno do 31. maja 2017. godine.

Recording water supplying systems and entering data into GIS in Bijelo Polje has started2017-02-05T18:12:38+01:00

TV spots broadcasting within the Campaign on water saving and protection of water resources began

Within the project "Improvement of Water Resources Management in Gjakova and Bijelo Polje", in the period January - May 2017 intensive campaign on saving water and protecting water sources is ongoing

TV spots broadcasting within the Campaign on water saving and protection of water resources began2017-01-06T01:35:12+01:00

Radio spots airing within the Campaign on water saving and protection of water resources began

Within the project "Improvement of Water Resources Management in Gjakova and Bijelo Polje", in the period January - May 2017 intensive campaign on saving water and protecting water sources is ongoing

Radio spots airing within the Campaign on water saving and protection of water resources began2017-01-06T01:35:22+01:00

Held its first training of employees for the implementation of GIS in water supply “Bistrica”

Održana prva obuka zaposlenih za implementaciju GIS u vodovodu "Bistrica". Prisutni su imali priliku da se upoznaju sa alatima za crtanje i analizu vodovodne mreže u GIS informacionom sistemu.

Held its first training of employees for the implementation of GIS in water supply “Bistrica”2017-01-06T01:35:32+01:00

Improvement of water resources management in Gjakova & Bijelo Polje

Contribution to sustainable environmental development in the cross-border area between Montenegro and Kosovo by improvement of protection and management of natural resources.

Improvement of water resources management in Gjakova & Bijelo Polje2017-01-06T01:35:53+01:00
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